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Quality Control

PT Hansa Pratama plan and develop process needed to realize their product orders, our company will be set in accordance with the requirements of customer needs, including requirements that are not declared by the customer, but the need for activities in their products.

Monitoring and measurement applied to measure the performance of the system manajement quality through :

  • Information and feedback given by customers to meet the requirements for customer delivery and customer satisfaction
  • The implementation of the Internal Audit Quality, PT.Hansa Pratama activities of Internal Audit Quality regularly to know that the system management quality is in accordance with the planned, have been determined in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 and the requirements that have been set by PT.Hansa Pratama
  • Monitoring and measurement process, and when the results of monitoring and measurement processes are the results of which are not in accordance with the planned action was carried out repairs
  • Inspection and testing of products, to ensure that product requirements have been fulfilled, which is the responsibility of QC staff

Stages Quality Control In Making Up Finished Goods
Description ProcessThis ReviewedMethod / Frequency InspectionTerms of the Standard ProductsResponsibilityResource Facility
Pattern ProcessDimensionsEach pattern is generated (100%)in accordance with the picture or table based on general ToleranceQC StaffMeter, rulers, short-term measure, square measure, protractor
Molding ProcessThe form and strengthSampling, for each type of goods produced in the day tersebut.Sampling minimum 1pcs or 10% of the total output.Sand is not easily destroyed, not easily endQC StaffVisual
Molding ProcessDimensions(special for length and width only)Sampling, at least 1 pcs for the results of < 10 pcs or 10% of the sampling results, production, the results for 10 pcs in accordance with the picture on the table or the General ToleranceQC StaffRulers / Meter
Melting ProcessChemical, CompositionEach time the process of melting sample taken 1 pcsIn accordance with ASTM rev.1992 or 1992 or JIS standard PT.Hansa PratamaAuthorities SpectrometerSpectrometer
Finishing Process / Final InspectionSurface / cut goodsMade for each type of goods per customer orders. The determination of the amount that must be examined in the set by Production.No hole, there may not be porous, can not be too rough.QC StaffVisual
Finishing Process / Final InspectionDimension (especially for the points marked on the picture attached.Made for each type of goods per customer orders. the determination of the amount if more than 5 = 5 pcs, when less than 5 = allIn accordance with the picture or table based on general toleranceQC StaffSketmat, Meter, rulers, term measure, elbow measure, Micrometer, Archer degrees
Finishing Process / Final InspectionHardness violence on the surface of goodsA sampling inspection conducted by the provisions.
  1. If more orders from 5 pcs disampling 10%
  2. When the order less from 5 pcs disampling all.
In accordance with the ASMT rev 1992 JIS in 1992QC StaffHardness Tester
Finishing Process / Final InspectionStrength tensile strength pull on the goodsif there is demand from customersin accordance with ASTM 1992 rev JIS in 1992QC Staff (conducted by outside parties)Tensile strength Tester
Finishing Process / Final InspectionImpactDone when there is demand from customers with the provisions:
  1. the number of sample customer demand
  2. Each time the process of melting sample taken 1
In accordance with ASTM rev.1992 JIS in 1992QC Staff (conducted by outside parties)Impact Tester
Finishing Process / Final InspectionNDT to know the axis on the side of theDone when there is demand from customers or in Prod.Dept.Head set by the need to be tested, the overall inspection conducted 100%Spec appropriate in the set by the customerConducted by outside parties and CustomerUltrasonic Tester

Head Office & Factory
Ds. Bakung Temenggungan Kec. Balongbendo
Sidoarjo 61263, East Java - Indonesia
+6231 - 898 2600 (Hunting)
+6231 - 897 1116
+6231 - 897 1109
+6231 - 897 3626

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